We hope this Frequently Asked Questions page answers all of your questions. We have included more about what we do, why we do it, and why we want to help you move easier. If we missed any of your questions, please calltext or email us!

Cardboard vs. Totes - Your Questions Answered

My favorite question! You can price check it. We know that our totes are cheaper. To move with traditional cardboard boxes, you need to buy the boxes and all the supplies needed to secure them. Then you have to bring them home and assemble them. Your time is worth something. No assembly needed for our totes. No tape needed! With us, you just pack your stuff up. Using cardboard, your hard earned money is wasted on items that you might use a few times.

Finding free cardboard boxes might save you money. You have to utlize your time, gas in your vehicle, and possibly other resources in order to accumulate them. When you do, are they clean, sanitary and chemical free? Are they big enough? Was collecting them convenient? Our totes are guaranteed to be durable, weather resistant, clean, sanitized, bacteria and bug free, and bigger than most cardboard boxes. 

Any recycling of materials is good for the environment! According to the American Forest & Paper Association, in 2022, nearly 50 million tons of paper was recycled in the United States. The recycling rate for cardboard boxes was more than 93%. More than 2/3 of the paper used in the U.S.A. is recycled and used to make new sustainable paper products that people use every day. This is great! Our option is still better. Our commercially graded totes will last through 400 moves. That is a lot less cardboard that needs the time, energy and resources to be recycled into something else. 

Great question! Single use plastic is very bad for the environment. Our totes are not single use! They are made from 100% recycled plastic and can be used up to 400 times before needing to be recycled. The key difference is that cardboard boxes might get used once. Maybe twice. Three times if you are careful. Then they have to be discarded or recycled to be turned into something else. That is more than 134+ cardboard boxes for one life cycle of one of our totes. When our totes finally have to be retired, they will be recycled again to make more totes.

Frequently Asked Questions About Booking

We are sorry but our company is designed for local moves only. No taking our totes out of state. There are other companies out there that will happily accommodate you if you would like to utilize a similar option.


Our Cancellation Policy is that we offer a refund if cancelled more than 48 hours before your rental period. Please refer to our Rental Agreement for the full policy. 

Unfortunately no. Our company is designed for rentals only. We have to order a minimum of several hundreds of totes when we purchase from our supplier. Selling a few here or there might leave us short when someone needs a larger rental.

You don’t want to wait too long, because we might run out of available inventory. On the other hand, booking in advance may mean your preferred rental date will change. That is okay! We give you the ability to change the date if there are any delays with your planned date of moving.

To place your rental order and secure your preferred amount of totes, you will pay for your full rental order when you book your moving date. When you place your secure order through our website, we put your payment on hold. That way we can confirm we are available for your date and we have the required inventory available. Once we have confirmed your order, the charge will go through at that time. This pays for the rental itself. When you book your Delivery or Self Pick Up time, you will be required to pay the damage deposit to set up the appointment. 

The Damage Deposit for a Delivered rental is $250. For a Self Pick Up rental, the Damage Deposit is $350. The Damage Deposit is required for every rental. 

Ok I booked it... Now I have more questions...

Once you have placed your order and paid, you will book your appointment with us within seven days of when you want your totes. It is important to choose your preferred option – Delivery or Self Pick Up.

If you want to have us deliver your rental to you, you will click here and schedule that appointment. 

If you prefer to pick your order up yourself, you will click here and schedule your appointment.

We highly recommend extending your time when you know you will need more time to unpack. You can click here to Request An Extension right away. This page is for those that are currently renting, as it will charge you our daily rate of $0.40 per bin and obviously no additional delivery or pick up charge. 

When we receive your request, we will confirm the inventory is available to approve the request. We will do our best to accommodate every request. If we do not have the availability, due to another customer’s order we will have to cancel the request and stick with the prearranged date. If this may be a possibility, book an extra week more than you think you might need. That way you have a little bit of wiggle room of extra time.  

If you need more Totes or maybe you need to add a Dolly, you can submit an addition to your rental order by clicking here

None! Our totes are ready to go when they arrive. The tote is all one piece, so no lids to misplace. 

The totes stack and nest within each other to take up less space. Just grab the first one off the top, push it into the dolly to lock it in, and start packing. When done, fold the lid closed and put the next tote on top. No tape needed!

We really hope you don’t lose one. If you do that is where the damage deposit comes into play. The replacement fee for a lost tote is $125 per bin and $150 per dolly per our Rental Agreement, which you can click here to see. Hopefully you are able to find it before we are forced to charge you.